Amazing Places to Play Indoors in NJ

Amazing Places to Play Indoors in NJ

Updated for 2022! Whether it’s too hot, too cold, too rainy or too snowy, there are many reasons to stay indoors and play. Sometimes, however, staying home can become overwhelming for kids and parents. There isn’t enough room to run around, the house gets destroyed and, let’s face it, how many crafts and board games … [Read more…]

Amazing Places to Ski In (and Around) NJ

Amazing Places to Ski in NJ and Beyond

Updated for 2022! For some, the first sight of snow makes them retreat into their homes, but for many it is a sign of the greatest season of the year, Ski Season! In my article 10 Benefits of Skiing, I mention all the amazing reasons families should hit the slopes like building confidence, enhancing motor … [Read more…]

Dinosaurs Come to Life at Jurassic World at The Franklin Institute


Mommy University is so excited to partner with The Franklin Institute to bring you on a prehistoric adventure through Jurassic World along with offering an amazing ticket giveaway. We are all about dinosaurs in my house. From toys to games to books, you name it, we have it. We also watch Jurassic Park or Jurassic … [Read more…]

Best of 2016 – Another Year of Wonderful Learning Adventures


As I sit and reflect on the past year, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the support Mommy University has received again this year. We have grown so much and have been supported by amazing friends, family, fans and companies. We are so proud of the partnerships we have formed and relationships that have grown … [Read more…]

Amazing Maple Sugaring Events in New Jersey


Updated for 2022! When winter arrives, many people feel the need to hunker down inside. Well, I say get out and have fun! One way to enjoy the great outdoors this winter is to experience maple sugaring. That’s right! You can learn all about the process to make maple syrup right her in NJ. No … [Read more…]

FREE Brain Boosting Winter Events in NJ


Updated for 2019!! There are so many amazing experiences to be had this winter that help kids learn, grow and develop. What’s even better is that these experiences don’t have to cost a lot of money. In fact, many are FREE. Yes, I said FREE! At Mommy University, we love sharing brain boosting activities but … [Read more…]