Brain Boosting Holiday Gifts for School from Oriental Trading

Brain Boosting Holiday Gifts from Oriental Trading

Mommy University is so excited to partner with Oriental Trading to bring you their brain boosting holiday activities. Every year I find myself struggling with what to send in to school for the holidays. Do I send in a baked good without nuts, gluten or sugar? Since I am not much of a baker, this … [Read more…]

Season of Giveaways: 4 Tickets to the Crayola Experience

Crayola Experience Giveaway

Mommy University is so excited to partner with the Crayola Experience in PA to bring you this amazing giveaway. Located in Easton, Pennsylvania, the Crayola Experience offers a multi-sensory learning adventure the entire family will LOVE. The bright yellow building invites children to come inside to color, create, play and learn. With 4 floors of interactive art … [Read more…]

Activate the Dark Side with the Death Star Electronics Lab


Uncle Milton is known for their amazing Star Wars Science line of toys. Not only do they build on a fan’s love of Star Wars but each toy offers an amazing learning through play experience. We have had the pleasure of reviewing the Death Star Planetarium, Mustafar Volcano Lab and Millenium Falcon UV Light Laser, … [Read more…]

Play and Learn Stocking Stuffer Guide 2016


We are so excited to bring you this year’s Play and Learn Stocking Stuffer Guide. We are thrilled to partner with some amazing and award-winning companies who provided some of the brain boosting toys on this list so we can share them with you this holiday season. Ever since I was a little girl, my … [Read more…]

Celebrate the Holidays with A Christmas Carol at The Growing Stage


Mommy University is so excited to partner again this season with The Growing Stage: The Children’s Theatre of New Jersey. They offer a family-friendly environment perfect for a child’s first theatre experience as well as for children with some sensory needs. In exchange for tickets to each performance, we are so happy to be able … [Read more…]

Crayola Inspired DIY Christmas Ornaments


Mommy University is so unbelievably excited to be chosen to be a part of Crayola’s Holiday Blogger Program. Every holiday, my boys and I enjoy making crafts to celebrate the season. We especially love making homemade gifts for family, friends and teachers. This year, we were selected by Crayola to spread some colorful holiday cheer … [Read more…]