FREE Souvenirs at Walt Disney World

FREE Souvenirs at Walt Disney World

Everyone loves taking a Disney vacation. The parks, the pools, the food, the fun, it all makes for a lifetime of memories. We often want to preserve those memories in the form of souvenirs. The Disney snow globe, the Goofy t-shirt, the Magic Kingdom popcorn bucket and don’t forget the Mickey Ears! They all help … [Read more…]

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus: Saying Goodbye to a Family Tradition

ringling brothers

Mommy University is honored to partner with Feld Entertainment to bring you the final season of Ringling Bros. Circus. For some, the circus is just another event they get tickets for once or even once a year. For many, however, the circus is an experience that creates lifelong memories and traditions! I first attended a … [Read more…]

Fun Ways to Celebrate Dr. Suess’ Birthday

Fun Ways to Celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday

Did you know that March 2 is Dr. Seuss’ birthday? To celebrate this iconic writer, a reading awareness program is implemented in schools across the country called Read Across America. Although Read Across America Day falls on March 2, many schools, libraries and other locations celebrate all week long. Some places offer fun story times … [Read more…]

5 Reasons to Visit It’z-a-Buffet

5 Reasons to Visit It'z-a-Buffet

Sadly, this establishment is now closed. Mommy University is so excited to partner with It’z-a-Buffet so we can share with you all about their brain boosting fun. Remember that time you went out to eat and you got to enjoy your food while having an intelligent conversation with your significant other? Of course you don’t … [Read more…]

Learn About the World with the Puzzle Globe from Learning Resources

Puzzle Globe from Learning Resources

My children have always been fascinated by the world. We love to travel so they are always asking where places are in our country and the world. The new Puzzle Globe from Learning Resources offers fun ways for kids to learn about geography and different cultures while building important developmental skills. We found some exciting … [Read more…]

The World Premiere of The Box of Stories at The Growing Stage

The Growing Stage Presents The Box of Stories

Mommy University is so excited to partner again this season with The Growing Stage: The Children’s Theatre of New Jersey. They offer a family-friendly environment perfect for a child’s first theatre experience as well as for children with some sensory needs. In exchange for tickets to each performance, we are so happy to be able … [Read more…]

5 Must Do Experiences at Frozen In Ice at Skylands Stadium

5 must do experiences at frozen in ice

Mommy University is excited to partner with Skylands Stadium to bring you all the winter fun Frozen In Ice has to offer! Ever wonder what people could do with over 100 tons of ice? Create a Frozen Carnival of course! This winter head on over to Skylands Stadium in Augusta, NJ for a frozen adventure … [Read more…]