Harry Potter Activities for Kids

Harry Potter Educational Activities for Kids

The costumes and props used in this post were provided by Oriental Trading. Games were provided by Pressman Toys. My boys (and I) are HUGE Harry Potter fans. They love watching the movies and they were both Harry Potter one year for Halloween. My son even decorated his room with a Harry Potter theme! I … [Read more…]

Mall Santas: Visiting the North Pole in NJ

Mall Santas in NJ

Updated for 2020! Includes virtual Santa experiences! It’s that time of year again! Santa flies, strolls and parades into malls all across New Jersey. We are lucky to be NJ residents as our selection of malls is vast making the holiday season even more exciting and festive. Although it seems that Santa arrives earlier and … [Read more…]

Amazing Places to Go Pumpkin Picking in New Jersey

Amazing Places to Go Pumpkin Picking in NJ

Updated for 2021! At Mommy University, we love visiting farms especially farms in NJ! A family or school trip to the farm offers so many amazingĀ developmental benefitsĀ as well as fun and exciting adventures. Although we love visiting farms year round, the fall has a special touch of magic. As I scroll through Facebook and Instagram, … [Read more…]

Mom’s Night Out 2.0: What’s New with 5 Brands Moms Know and Love

Mom's Night Out 2.0

Mommy University is honored to partner with the following brands to bring you this sponsored post: MomTrends, Meredith Publications, Jif, Munchkin, Visit Williamsburg, SwaddleMe and New Balance. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I clung to Parents magazine as if it was my lifeline. It helped me understand this journey I was … [Read more…]