Elf on the Shelf: Quick and Easy Ideas

It’s that time of year again! It’s ELF SEASON! We all go into this experience with great intentions and awesome ideas. We pin suggestions, we ask friends, we scour facebook, and we even come up with ideas over the summer. I have friends who even create elf schedules! No matter how you prepare for this anxiety provoking season, it is inevitable to have nights where you forget to “move the Elf.” 

In this post, I wanted to give you some easy ideas that can be planned ahead of time or done on the fly. I will also offer some excuses for those times when you forget. Now you may be saying to yourself, “Oh I will never do that,” but, trust me, you will forget at least once this season! 

Quick and Easy Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Gifts From the Elf

One fun idea is to have the Elf bring small gifts to the kids. This does not have to be anything big and expensive (unless you want to). It can also be something you already have in the house. Here are some ideas I have come up with:

Advent Calendar: Every year my boys’ Elves bring them an Advent Calendar. This is a fun way to kick off the holiday season. Here are some calendars I recommend (affiliate links included):

Crayola Advent Calendar

Cookie Baking Supplies: For one week, have the Elf bring one ingredient for a cookie recipe. At the end of the week, you can bake cookies together as a family.

Ornament Making Kit: Holiday crafting is always a fun way to keep the kids busy. Your child’s Elf can bring an ornament making kit or, just like the baking idea, they can bring one thing each day that is needed to make a fun ornament.

Christmas Cards: Have the Elf bring a box of Christmas cards for the kids to write out to their family and friends. You can even ask them to write cards to send to the military. It is a wonderful way to encourage kids to give back.

Christmas Kit: Several of my friends have their Elves bring Christmas Kits. This can include holiday pajamas, hot chocolate mix, holiday socks, an ornament, etc. This idea has endless possibilities.

MUST DO LIST: I love this idea the most! To help the kids truly understand what the holidays are all about, have the Elf bring a MUST DO list from Santa. This can include being kind to their sibling, sharing their toys, doing all of their chores, completing their homework, etc. 

Letter to Santa: This one is opposite of the other ideas as your child will give the letter to the Elf who will “deliver” it to Santa. Each year I have my boys give their Christmas list to their elves so it can be given to Santa.

Quick Ideas

Reading: Put a book in your Elf’s hands. Not only is this easy but it also encourages reading.

Playing Cards: My kids love when they find their Elves playing cards. It can be Poker, Go Fish, or Blackjack. They can also be playing Uno.

Elf playing cards

Watching Television: Put the remote control in the Elf’s hand/lap and put a Christmas movie on. 

Snowball Fight: Throw some mini marshmallows around the Elves and call it a snowball fight. The kids LOVE this one!

Hide Them in the Tree: This is one we use a lot when we forget and only have seconds to move them. All you have to do is put the Elf in the Christmas Tree. You can also put them inside a wreath or the stockings.

UH OH, You Forgot to Move the Elf

It’s here. That moment of pure panic when you realize you forget to move the elves. Do I have enough time? Will they catch me? Crap, they are already awake. What now? 

Say He is Quarantined: We can still use this one right?! You can write a quick note saying the Elf is in quarantine or just tell the kids that you got a call from Santa that said the Elf was exposed at the workshop and has to quarantine for a few days.

Up Too Late: Just tell the kids that they were up too late so the Elf did not have time to leave and come back. You better believe they will be in bed on time that night!

Snow Storm/Bad Weather: Tell the kids that you found out there was a big storm by the North Pole so they weren’t able to fly back to see Santa but they will go as soon as the weather clears.

Nothing to Report: Since the kids were so busy with school and sports that day, the Elves didn’t have anything to report to Santa.

Here are a few more ideas:


What are your go-to Elf spots? Share your ideas in the comments section below!

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