Mommy University is so excited to renew our partnership this season with WP Presents! In exchange for tickets to performances, we are so happy to be able to bring you all the entertainment this season as well as our honest review of the shows.
Bubbling Trouble Bursts onto the stage with Jeff Boyer!
The natural predator of the bubble is the toddler and thus begins the absolutely thrilling Bubble Trouble at WP Presents show in its Family Series. The Family Series continually reaches out to connect young children and their parents with diverse programming to help instill an interest in art. The shows are always unique, thought provoking and imaginative which means the audience is offered an artistic journey that promotes new ideas.
Jeff Boyer Productions aligns with the mission of WP Presents! in delivering quality programming. The Bubble Trouble show is led by Jeff Boyer who takes families on an experiential lesson in the science of bubbles from tiny to massive, from clear to multi-colored, from smoky to volcanic and everything in-between. There are plenty of moments where you will not know what happens next; however, throughout the entire show Jeff talks with enthusiasm as he infuses humor and audience members in his demonstrations.
Mommy University Presents
Moments that “Bursted” My Mind at Bubble Trouble!
Curiosity Invites Creativity
The first invitation that audiences were given was to think about what can be used as a tool to create a bubble. When we think about bubbles, it is often with a bubble wand but we quickly witnessed ordinary objects converted into devices to create bubbles. From scissors to a bugle to string, bubbles of various sizes and shapes made an appearance on the stage which encourages young children to think beyond convention.
Defy Expectations
Can you touch a bubble without popping it? Better yet can you juggle bubbles? Throughout the show, Jeff offered insight on how to accomplish tasks that defy expectations. We have all popped bubbles but with inserting science into the mix, we can all juggle bubbles too!
Get Involved
Throughout the show, Jeff invites selected members of the audience to join the show. He is a charismatic speaker; however, bringing children on stage to help juggle bubbles, hold foamy bubbles and the ever popular Bubble Volcano provides another strategy to engage the audience. Involving children in different activities inspired my family to want to experiment with bubbles (however we may leave the Bubble Volcano to Mr. Boyer). We are not expected to sit back and watch, rather Jeff invites us to get involved!
Enjoy a New Perspective
At the end of the show, families are invited to take a photo of the children inside the bubble. Since Jeff cannot invite all the children onstage during the show, this is a great strategy where all children can see what it’s like to not just be in the show but more importantly see the world from a new perspective. You can take photos for a nominal fee which I fully endorse. Seeing the world through a bubble is definitely a unique experience but more so a new perspective.
Each time I visit WP Presents! I fall in love with family theater as I watch my children’s eyes expand at all the possibility that exists. At Mommy University, we have explored how children playing with bubbles has many developmental benefits from fine motor to speech development, but Bubble Trouble expanded our mind to include experiments, creativity and perspective. Since I am not offering spoilers in this post, I highly recommend seeing this show when it comes to a theater near you as well as take advantage of the rare finds that WP Presents! offers families in this season.
To learn more about WP Presents and to purchase tickets for upcoming shows, please visit their website.
Thank you for this amazing tutorial! Jeff Loves performing for New Jersey Audiences and especially enjoys William Patterson University audiences!
Let us know if we can answer any questions!!
Jeff Boyer’s Big Bubble Bonanza Team!!