In full disclosure, Mommy University received the Watering Can from Green Toys in exchange for an honest review.
Gardening does not require many tools or gadgets. The most basic tool is the essential watering can. In fact, it is iconic. In the dead heat of the summer, flowers thirst for water and a watering can becomes a necessary tool for any gardener. While children mirror our actions, my son has always wanted to lug around his grandmother’s watering can but his hands couldn’t manage it. A child-sized watering was a MUST so he could participate in gardening experience.
It is a pleasure to review the Green Toys Watering Can because as a family that already owns Green Toys products, I know that they are durable, aesthetically pleasing and eco-friendly. As a novice gardener, I know how important it is to encourage a love of gardening with my child. One of the strategies I have used to foster a love of gardening is to equip my children with their own tools.
Green Toys is an eco-friendly company that makes its products using recycled milk jugs. The material they use is called high-density polyethylene (or HDPE) which translates simply to the cleanest and safest plastics used. Another cool fact to know about Green Toys is that all their toys are produced in the United States which makes me feel like I am re-investing in our nation with each purchase. But, let’s get to why this particular tool is a great investment for your budding gardener.
Mommy University Presents
Educational Benefits of Green Toys Watering Can
Supports Imaginative Play
Children mimic what they see the adults in their lives do. When they are provided with their own toy that allows them to pretend to be us, this makes it a valuable imaginative toy. My children started carrying the watering can around and pretended to water the dirt. If you don’t live in NJ, our spring has been very cold so we don’t have flowers right now, nonetheless they are beginning to understand the role of nature that surrounds them. When they see me with my watering can, they follow behind me and attempt to water their plants.
Encourages Responsibility
Last year, when my son was handed a watering can he became very invested in reminding us that the garden needed watering every day. Even on days when it rained. Providing them with a watering can makes them feel like they have ownership and teaches them responsibility. In fact, you can assign it to them so that they have a job to do. Little children love having jobs as they want to give back to the family. For older kids, it is a household chore they can take ownership of and really enjoy.

A watering can that children feel comfortable carrying and one that belongs to them encourages budding gardeners.
Provides a Sensory Learning Experience
The Watering Can is perfect to hold and pour out water which means that it is giving wonderful sensory feedback to children. The weight of the water in the can communicates information to their bodies about weight and strength. In addition, for some kids, carrying weighted material provides a sensory experience that can calm a child as well as focus them. Pouring the water on their own hands and feet offers another sensory experience. Kids learn the difference between cold and warm water as well as the feel of water pouring out quickly or slowly. In general, the Green toys Watering Can allows kids to engage all their senses which enhances learning and development.
Note: Due to the material, most Green Toys can be thrown in the washing machine (which is fabulous if you buy any of the infant or toddler toys) which means your child can use the watering can in the bathtub making it a year-round sensory toy.
Introduces Kids to Gardening
The Green Toys Watering Can is a durable and sturdy tool making it easier to introduce children to gardening. They can use the rope or the handle to carry the can around the yard, and it is easy for them to fill it up with water. It is a well designed product that children will continuously gravitate towards. Having a tool that is easy to use gets kids excited about planting seeds and watering them each day. In turn, through gardening, they will learn about science, nature and math!
Teaches Children to Respect Nature
Gardening involves a heavy dose of respecting nature. By inviting your children to water plants or maintain their own garden, you are teaching them about investing in the future. Not just their future, but the future of the world by giving back. Through gardening you can teach them to respect bees and butterflies, the critical role insects play, the animals that visit the garden, and composting. There are so many possible conversations that can take place as you are teaching your child how to take care of the garden.
The Green Toys Watering Can is recommended for ages 18 months and older. Included with the package is a shovel and rake which my children love playing with in conjunction with the Watering Can and independently. Due to the material and design, the watering can even be played with in the bath tub which makes it an all year toy; however, for now, the watering can has a special place in our garage for the children to take out so that they can care for their plants. Since being exposed to Green Toys over a year ago, I look forward to their new products. Personally, I would love for them to release adult sized watering cans.
So don’t wait another minute! Purchase your Green Toys Watering Can right now! You can use this affiliate link to purchase it now for under $20 on!