There is nothing more exciting in the winter than hopping on that ski lift and climbing to the top of the mountain in anticipation for a great ride! The thrill of getting off (without falling) and taking in the magnificent views of the world. You then experience the exhilaration and rush of going down the mountain. When you get to the bottom and look up, you are filled with pride and accomplishment. All you can think is, “I have to do that again!”
This is the experience many skiers and snowboarders have when they embark on their winter adventures each year. Now, I am not a great skier (like my husband), in fact, I prefer ski blades, but as I get passed my fear and trepidation, I find myself loving every moment! I have always wanted my kids to learn at a young age as I find so many amazing benefits to these incredible sports. Not only is it fun and exciting, it also has wonderful health and developmental benefits!
Mommy University Presents
10 Benefits of Skiing and Snowboarding
Increases Body Awareness
When skiing, it is so important to be aware of each part of your body and where it is in space. It teaches kids how to use each body part separately and in sync with each other.
Fosters Self-Awareness
When kids learn to ski, they also learn more about themselves. Not only do kids become more aware of their body in space, they also become aware of their strengths and weaknesses, physically and mentally.
Builds Confidence
There’s nothing like hopping on your first ski lift or making it down the hill for the first time without falling. Each new step gives kids more confidence and pride in themselves.
Enhances Social Skills
Believe it or not skiing is a friendly sport with various social rules. There are right ways to pass someone and ways to help those in need. You must respect your fellow skier and learn to interact with others appropriately on the slopes.
Increases Health
Skiing and snowboarding involve a great deal of exercise which in turn enhances cardiovascular health. Both sports also improve flexibility and strength. These sports are also fun ways to help reach your weight loss goals!
Improves Balance and Coordination
If you have tried skiing even once, you know how much balance and coordination is involved! You have to learn how to use your core muscles to stay up while also using your leg muscles to move the skis safely down the mountain.
Healthy Competition
Whether it’s with a sibling, friend or even a parent, skiing provides the opportunity for friendly competition. I have always loved watching skiing in the Olympics. Even though it is usually an individual sport, fellow skiers show respect and support for each other.
Teaches Perseverance
If you have ever skied, even just once, then you know that skiing takes a tremendous amount dedication and perseverance. If a skier gave up after falling, they would never get further than a few feet from the ski lodge! It teaches kids that when you fall, you get back up and try again!
Improves Mood
We have all read that exercising increases mood and skiing is no exception. The increased production of endorphins gives skiers a great sense of happiness. The pride and accomplishment felt at the end of a good run also increases one’s mood!
Allows for an Appreciation of Nature
Being on the mountain and a part of nature allows people to realize they are part of a bigger picture. They take in all the beauty and wonder of the world around them which creates a sense of appreciation. The fresh air also improves health and increases mood!
Skiing and snowboarding are amazing sports with wonderful benefits. It brings people together of all ages, cultures, races and sizes. These sports are tough and exhausting but motivating and inspiring at the same time.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
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I’ve never learned to ski and I always regret that. It seems like such a great sport.
I can see how skiing makes you focus on your body. It requires focus and balance., otherwise you fall over. That must make it a great exercise for younger children to help them develop macro motor skills that they haven’t had a chance to hone yet.
I didn’t know that when you ski you actually have an increase in endorphins that make you feel good! My husband and I have been trying to find something to do together for some time now. We want to be able to do something we love, so maybe we’ll have to try a ski resort. Neither of us has ever gone, so it would be a new terrain for us!
I was thinking of going to a ski house this season before it’s too late as the kids would surely love it. Knowing that skiing can help in increasing one’s cardiovascular health as you’ve mentioned is perfect to keep my little ones active and healthy. If I do have enough money, I would love to get myself my own ski house or at least some shares on a prominent one so that we can visit it whenever. Thanks for the helpful article detailing the beauty of skiing and snowboarding to us!
I like how you said that skiing can help one’s mood improve, like all exercise. I have never been skiing before but I would love to try it sometime! I think that it looks way hard, but super fun when you get it down!
Wow, the ski is such an enthralling sport. I wish more people turn towards it and experience the excitement it holds.
I snowboard and it is awesome you should try it