She was a 4 pound little furball full of energy and spunk. She captured my heart the moment I saw her, and I knew she was mine the second she was placed in my arms. My first baby, my dog, Angel.
Angel was the perfect dog, well at least in my eyes. She loved me unconditionally as I loved her. She was my world, and I was not ashamed to admit it. I could not imagine loving anything or anyone more than her. As most pet owners do, I cared for her as if she was my child. She was the heart of our family.
Angel had her quirks of course. She barked at everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Squirrels, garbage cans, microwaves, bicycles, the rain, blenders, cars driving by…just to name a few. I can still hear my grandmother saying, “Somebody shut that dog up! I can’t hear myself think!” But Nanny loved her, and she loved Nanny. No matter how much she barked, she was still our little girl, our Angel, and we loved her!
When I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I thought “How can I love someone more than her?” I know that sounds strange, but if you are a pet owner then you can relate. Angel was by my side for the entire pregnancy. She would lay her adorable little snout on my belly and appeared to protect me as the due date drew near.
After Tyler was born, I never lost the love I had for my first baby, my dog. She continued to be a huge part of our family. Due to her constant barking (remember she barked at EVERYTHING), however, Angel stayed with my mom for awhile. My mom, grandmother and stepdad loved Angel like a child. She was spoiled and cared for like the princess she was.
Angel was amazing with my son. She protected him, loved him and enjoyed playing with him. She continued to protect our family when my second son was born, Trevor. Even though I had two children, the love I had for my dog never faded. She continued to love me unconditionally as I loved her.
As a pet owner, you know that one day your dog will leave your side, but you can never really prepare for that day. As Angel grew older, she became weaker and less active. It was so sad to watch this happen as she was always a very rambunctious and energetic dog. She still, however, continued to find the energy to bark, not at everything, but even at 12 years old, no garbage can was safe!
Over the past few months, Angel had a harder and harder time walking and moving around. She often needed to be carried up and down the stairs, and she no longer barked when people entered the house. Despite her failing health, she ALWAYS came to me. She loved to snuggle in my arms like she did when she was a puppy. Angel and I had a special bond that could never be broken!
This past week my precious Angel received her wings. She fought a brave fight but it was her time. I did not get to say goodbye to her, but maybe that is what she wanted. Maybe she wanted me to remember her the way she was when we last snuggled. My mom held my sweet girl as she left this world and entered another. She was at peace.
I cannot imagine a world without her in it, and my life seems a little less full. It gives me comfort, however, to know that she is reunited with my grandmother. I know they are playing and laughing together in heaven. She is probably even yelling at her for barking too much!
I recently read this quote: “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Thank you Angel for awakening my soul and opening my heart! I will love you forever…until we meet again!
Jess my mom always says the saddest thing about having a dog is that there time with us is too short. Hugs to you!
I totally agree with your mom, Julia! It is so amazing to have them, but it is so sad to know that their time with us is limited. Thanks for your love and support!
Sorry to hear about your loss
Have fun running about with no pain, Angel!
Thank you so much! I am sure she is running around like crazy:)