Photo Credit: Kristina Britt Photography
Every day parents question themselves and their parenting style. Every mom and dad have their own beliefs and preferences and should not be judged for them. (Well, there are a few exceptions but I will not share those opinions here.)
“Parenting is learning on the go,” as recently said by my dentist. We all learn what works and doesn’t work for OUR children as every child is different with their own unique needs. It is important to believe in yourself and trust your instincts. It is also just as important to ask questions and accept help when offered!
During my first pregnancy, I was given wanted (and unwanted) advice. I took everything in and used what I thought was helpful. Then after having my first son, I learned plenty of my own Dos and Don’ts. I took what I learned the first time around and applied it to raising my second son.
After having 2 boys and speaking with countless moms regarding their experiences, I compiled a list of advice for new moms. Again, you have to decide what is best for you as a new mom and determine what is in the best interest of your child.
It is very important to note that none of this is based on scientific facts, just observations. Please consult with your pediatrician before trying anything new!
Everyday Tips for New Moms
Let the baby sleep in noise: If your child can only sleep when it is totally quiet, you are in for a very long and frustrating road of parenthood!
Put them in the crib as soon as they are able UNLESS you choose co-sleeping. This is a lesson I learned the hard way with my first child. By the time I moved him to his crib, he was already sitting up and understood how to manipulate his environment. This made for a VERY difficult transition. For my second child, I learned from my mistakes and moved my son into his crib quickly which was successful!
Let a sleeping baby sleep! Trust me, they will wake up when they need something!
Get them used to a room temperature and/or cold bottle: If a baby will only take a warm bottle, you are going to have a difficult time when out at an event or on the road.
Don’t believe everything you read! Just like this list, not everything will work for you and your baby. Also, not everything you read is accurate or up to date.
Keep a circle of mom friends close by. Talking with other moms is not only helpful but therapeutic. It will make you feel better to know other moms are going through the same thing you are.
Although schedules are great, try to alter it on occasion so your child gets used to change and can be flexible. Life always throws curve balls so if ur baby can only nap at certain time or eat in a certain place you may be setting yourself up for a difficult road!
Remember to take care of yourself! If you are not healthy and alert, you can’t possibly be the best mom you can be. You are also your child’s role model so you want them to witness a healthy and happy lifestyle! Check out my article on Recharging Your Parenting Battery for more ideas!
Make sure you spend alone time with your spouse/partner. Once you have a baby you often forget how to be a couple. It’s so important to continue to foster your relationship in order to be a more unified and happy parenting team.

Spending time away with your significant other is a great way to recharge your parenting battery and reboot your relationship!
Make and freeze meals. This is great advice I received from a good friend. This will lower your stress level and make meal time much easier. It can also ensure that you are eating a healthy meal each night as well.
When introducing new food, start with veggies. It is often believed that when you start with sweet fruits, it can be more difficult to get the baby to eat veggies later.
Ask for help or at least say “yes” when offered! As women, we are used to being independent and taking care of everything, but when your baby arrives, there is nothing better than having someone else clean your house or hold the baby so you can shower!
There are MANY more tips, advice and words of wisdom to offer new moms. What is most important is to not be too hard on yourself and be prepared to learn as you go! Being a mom is the most precious gift in the world so enjoy every moment; it goes by fast!
Great tips Jess!!
Thanks friend:)