Coloring outdoors has never been so fun!
If you are looking for strategies to encourage your child to get outside we have some cool options from Faber Castell and Creativity for Kids that inspires the artist in your child. We have partnered with these two amazing imaginative companies for this Let’s Play Outdoors Giveaway.
Whether it is high quality chalk that promotes a budding artist to make the driveway the canvas or a future chef growing the ingredients that will be used in a pizza they make, these companies inspire play and creativity. Have your child make the water bottle for their outdoor hikes or decorate an aquarium for pretend play after visiting the aquarium in your area. This giveaway has a lot of opportunities for transitioning into the summer while still learning.
Let’s Play Outdoors Giveaway
from Creativity for Kids and Faber Castell
Faber Castell DO ART Outdoor Chalk Art
Value of DO Art Outdoor Chalk Set is $15
Creativity for Kids Aquarium Terrarium
Value of Aquarium Terrarium is $20
Creativity for Kids Plant a Pizza Garden
Value of Plant a Pizza Garden is $28
Creativity for Kids Duct Tape Water Bottle
Value of Duct Tape Water Bottle is $12
Value of Let’s Play Outdoors: Faber Castell and Creativity for Kids Giveaway is over $75
(For a full review of each item and pictures please check out our 2017 Play & Learn Outdoor Guide!)
Here are the rules and conditions for this amazing giveaway:
Participants MUST live in the United States.
The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter.
The contest will run from May 4, 2017 through 12am on May 18, 2017.
The winner will be announced on May 18, 2017.
The winner will receive the prize directly from Faber Castell and Creativity for Kids.
The winners must respond within 1 day or another winner will be chosen.
To enter, participants can earn entries by: visiting the Mommy University Facebook page (likes are appreciated but not required), following Mommy University on Twitter, sharing the contest with friends, entering another MU contest, sharing our Outdoor Toy Guide, commenting on this blog post by answering the required question and providing your email address.
No purchase is necessary to win.
Your chances of winning are dependent on the number of entries received.
Enter here: a Rafflecopter giveaway
I’m in love with the Aquarium Terrarium. It’s so much fun and cute
That Aquarium Terrarium is so cool, I think I would enjoy making one as much as the kids would!
My granddaughter would love the Aquarium Terrarium
Hoping to win for my niece. Hard call to say which would be her favorite because she can change her mind at any second. She would love Faber Castell DO ART Outdoor Chalk Art because she loves being artisticly creative and enjoys arts and crafts very much. She would like Creativity for Kids Aquarium Terrarium because of the cute fishies. She enjoyed making a fishy snow globe for her Dad a couple of years ago. Creativity for Kids Plant a Pizza Garden is in the running to be a favorite because my niece loves gardening and enjoys helping my sister out in the garden and enjoys harvesting her own food, such as strawberries. Pizza is a favorite food of hers, too!
My kids would love to win everything! The Aquarium Terrarium is so unique, chalk is always a winner, the plant a pizza garden is a great activity during this warmer weather, and the duct tape water bottle kit is a great rainy day project.
My son would love the aquarium terrarium the most. He hasn’t had anything like that yet and I think it will draw his interest for a long time.
My niece would love the pizza garden because she loves to plant things with her daddy1
I would love to win this super amazing giveaway for my son. He is super excited for Creativity for Kids Aquarium Terrarium. He LOVES to play with fish and watch them to play especially Dory and Nemo. Dory was his 1st movie in theater. and he was so fascinated by her. Keeping my fingers crossed for him. Thanks for the chance!
My daughter would LOVE the chalk set.
All these items look amazing and all super fun! My grand daughter is 5 and would love the pizza garden as she is my lil helper in the kitchen. She would also love the chalk as we havent purchased any yet for this summer.
The aquarium my daughter is two and then my boys 7 and 8 the chalk they love to get out and draw and play
Kids Aquarium Terrarium!!! my niece has seen it and wants one so bad. thank you for the chance. good luck all
My children loves to make art with chalk out in the backyard!
My kids would be most excited with the Plant A Pizza Garden.
My kids would love the pizza garden because then they can make their own pizza
My daughter loves art and creativity. She is pretty excited about everything!!! So am I!!! Creativity for Kids Plant a Pizza Garden & Aquarium Terrarium are amazing and very unique and a cool one for loads of summer fun!!!