Mommy University has partnered with Fashion Angels: Style Lab to bring you our first Super Cool Back to School Giveaway!
As a child, I remember going to the store and picking up the latest and coolest school supplies. There was a year the must-have item was a Trapper Keeper and other years it was notebooks with Lisa Frank artwork on the cover. While the “cool” items may have changed over time, I still visit stores to pick up accessories at the beginning of the school year. Having a new accessory to celebrate the return of school inspires children to get excited about the school year.
If transitioning from the freedom of summer to the routines of school may not thrill your children, then the Back to School accessories from Style Lab may be the spark to add into their supplies list. From the shiny metallic backpack and lunch tote to the bling of their eraser rings, Style Lab has a lot of sparkle that will make your child smile.
Style Lab from Fashion Angels
Back to School Giveaway
Here is what this Super Cool Back to School Giveaway from Style Lab includes:
Eraser Rings Retail Value $2.99
Shimmer Stiks, Retail Value $9.99
Canvas Pouch, Retail Value $7.99
Pink Metallic Lunch Tote, Retail Value $12.99
Pink Metallic Backpack, Retail Value $24.99
18 Month Planner, Retail Value $12.99
Insta Ink DIY Tattoo Patches, Retail Value $3.99
Package Value over $75.00
Here are the rules and conditions for this Super Cool giveaway:
Participants MUST live in the United States.
The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter.
The contest will run from August 9, 2016 through 12am on August 23, 2016.
The winner will be announced on August 23, 2016.
The winner will receive the Style Lab accessories directly from Fashion Angels.
The winner must respond within 1 day or another winner will be chosen.
To enter, participants can earn entries by: visiting the Mommy University Facebook page (likes are appreciated but not required), following Mommy University on Twitter, sharing the contest with friends and commenting on this blog post by answering the required question. One FREE entry can also be given when this option is chosen.
No purchase is necessary to win.
Your chances of winning are dependent on the number of entries received.
Enter here: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Cute backpack.
Thanks Amy!!
We usually get a new backpack and some new outfits to get my daughter excited for back to school.
That’s great Susan! I bet she loves helping to pick those things out with you:)
They can’t wait to see all their friends so right now it’s easy!!
I let them pick out a new lunch box & backpack! This helps them get excited to go back!
Picking out new school clothes, shoes, and folders gets my kids excited about starting school again.
I get my kids excited by letting them choose their own supplies and gear.
letting them pick out their own clothes and supplies.
Back to school is always an anticipated event in our house! New clothes help
getting new shoes
With New School Supplies!
I let them pick out what they like as long as it’s school appropriate.They like picking their style of bookbags,notebooks and etc.
We get excited for school by shopping for new supplies and going out to lunch!
As soon as they start organizing their supplies they get excited.
Reminding them of friends that they may have not seen since school let out
By letting them pick their favorite back to school supply.
My kids are raised but with my granddaughter, she is just always excited to go back to school as she loves to learn and have the stability of school. I let her pick out the school supplies she wants to help in this excitement.