As I sat in the audience of my friend’s dance recital, I stared at a word beautifully projected on the backdrop. At that moment, I realized the profound importance and meaning of this word. We have all seen it. We have all used it. After today, however, this small word will forever have a new meaning in my life and in my heart.
About 2.5 years ago, on the first anniversary of my father’s passing, I had this word tattooed on my wrist. It serves as a constant reminder that my father is always close by. It reminds me to always remember our time together. Today, this word has even more meaning. My friend who owned the dance studio mentioned above passed away after her 3 month battle with cancer. She meant so much to so many, and her passing has impacted individuals of all ages. She lived a life full of love, compassion and joy. She inspired everyone who came in her presence. She was a magical human being who will be in our hearts always!
Many people have lost loved ones as I have. On the same day of the recital, the city of Orlando and the world, mourned the loss of 49 souls during a senseless shooting. I want everyone to grab hold of this small yet very important word. Let it bring you peace, comfort and inspiration as it has done for me today. Remember to…
Always love with your whole heart
Always forgive
Always remember
Always follow your dreams
Always believe in yourself
Always dance in the rain
Always stand your ground
Always fight for what is right
Always show compassion
Always make time for family
Always be true to yourself
Always be grateful
Always count your blessings
Always remember where you came from
Always inspire
Always LOVE, don’t hate
Always believe
Always dream
This is a beautiful post. In fact, it brought me to tears. My 30 year old son is going through a tough time emotionally. I’m so happy he came to me and told me about his challenges. He will always be my son, always be loved and always supported emotionally.
Thank you so much Diane! I am so glad you liked it. I am sure your love and support is much appreciated by your son and will help him through this difficult time! I am sure he knows how much you love him:)