Every year someone posts on Facebook asking what moms want for Mother’s Day. Our husbands ask, our kids ask, but we always end up with the same thing: flowers, candy, brunch. This year let’s unite as moms and ask for what we really want!
What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day
Sleep Sleep and More Sleep
This Mother’s Day I want one night of uninterrupted sleep. I want to be able to sleep without a foot in my face, blankets being pulled off me constantly and a child telling me he has to go to the bathroom when he knows he can do it all by himself. If that’s too much to ask, then I would settle for a nice uninterrupted nap!
No More Whining
“Mommy I want ice cream; Mommy Tyler took my toy; Mommy I want to go to the park now; Mommy Mommy Mommy!” Don’t get me wrong, I love that word. It is a word a longed to hear and I still melt at times when it is said, but there are times when the word mommy sounds like fingernails on a chalk board, and not just any fingernails, Freddy Krueger’s nails! You know what I mean? So this Mother’s Day I would love for my children to speak at a normal octave and ask politely for what they would like. Too much?
A Housekeeper for a Day
Let’s be real, it would be nice to say, “I want my husband to clean the house for once,” but who are we kidding?! We really want someone (or several people if your house is like mine) to come in and CLEAN! I mean move the bed clean. I mean scrub the bathtub, clean out the fridge and wash ALL the floors clean. I want my toilets to sparkle kind of clean. What mom would say no to that?
A Girls Night
I don’t need a night in the city full of drinking and dancing (although that would be fun!). I just mean a night where I can catch up with friends, drink a beer (or 2) and have some good Mexican food (any food really). I would even love a night at a coffee shop with a good mocha latte and a brownie the size of my head. All women need others to stay sane and feel supported. It’s unfortunate that this is not a priority as it was in the past.
Warmth and Sunshine
Now I know this is only up to Mother Nature, but seriously it’s her day too! Let’s celebrate with some sunshine and warmth mother of all mothers! Please make up for the cruel and never-ending winter you forced upon us. I don’t know about you, but I’m still traumatized from it. Sunshine not in the forecast, then please take me somewhere warm. Although an island would be magnificent, a day trip to the beach or a night at Camelback Lodge would be amazing!
To Finish a Cup of Coffee in a Reasonable Amount of Time
In my What Moms Really Want for Christmas post, I mentioned finishing a cup of coffee while it is still hot. Now that it’s spring, I long for a day when I can finish an iced coffee before the ice melts and it turns into gross flavored water. You all know what I am talking about, you buy an amazing iced coffee only to have the ice melt before you truly enjoy the toasted almond or french vanilla flavor. I want to finish my iced coffee while it’s still cold!
To Not Have to Wipe a Kid’s Butt for One Day
If you have an infant to even a Kindergartner (perhaps even older) then you know what I mean. You just sit down for dinner, your fork is full of the perfect bite when…”Mommy wipe my butt!” Really?! It seems like my kids need to poop during EVERY meal! Like in the movie Big Daddy, for once I want them to say, “I wiped my own butt!”
For My Kids to Always Look at Me as They Do Now
Okay, so this is more of a future wish, but it’s Mother’s Day so I can ask for whatever I want right? I want my boys to always look at me the way they do now. They look at me with love, admiration and respect. Well, maybe not all the time, but most days, they look at me adoringly and I melt every time. Every day I tell my kids I love them more than anything in the world to which they reply, “I love you more.” Then we both say “Not possible.” It’s not possible for me to love them anymore than I do. I really believe they love me more than anything in the world. I hope even as they get older, they will always look at me with love and remember how much I love them in return!
So there you have it. That is what I want for Mother’s Day. What do you want?
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yes! This would be a perfect day!
As much as I love cooking, I want someone else to cook for me. My husband always makes dinner and it’s one of my favorite meals of the year.
One of the best ideas I got for Mother’s Day was when I overheard another mom at dance class say she kicks the kids and husband out of the house for the day so she can be alone. I did that for a few years and I actually enjoyed cleaning the house haha!