In full disclosure, Delta Children provided me with a Max Ultimate Stroller at no cost in exchange for an HONEST review.
Did you know that a reliable and safe stroller is critical in helping your child develop and grow?
In order to be available to learn and take in new experiences, children need to feel comfortable, safe and secure. If a child feels anxious, unsure and uncomfortable, they will not be able to focus on their environment and the sights they are exposed to. That is why choosing the right stroller is so important!
The Delta Children Max Ultimate Stroller is the PERFECT stroller to help young children learn and grow. I have tried several strollers since my children were born, and I can say with complete honesty, that the Max Stroller by Delta Children is my favorite. My son absolutely loves sitting in it as we explore new and exciting places such as museums, parks, beaches and more! He even enjoys sitting in it when we are shopping!!
The Delta Children Max Ultimate Stroller has the following features:
- Soft grip handles making pushing the stroller for extended periods of time easy and comfortable.
- Shock absorbing front wheels for all those inevitable bumps we roll over when walking.
- Reclining seat – In my opinion, this is a MUST for ALL strollers! It allows children to nap when needed while not interrupting the flow of the day.
- Adjustable foot rest which is perfect for ever-growing children.
- Storage basket – Another MUST HAVE in my opinion. The basket is the perfect size to store a wallet, snacks, water bottles, lunch boxes, theme park maps and more!

The Max Ultimate Stroller storage basket is perfect for holding all the essentials for a day out and about town!
- Adjustable European style canopy to block the sun especially during really hot days!
- Cup holder – You would be surprised how many strollers do not have cup holders. What a great and helpful accessory!!
- Locking wheels which are easy to manipulate with a simple push of your foot
- 5-Point Harness – Perfect for the little ones (and the big ones who like to climb out during the worst possible times)!
- Folds easily – This is my favorite feature as this stroller folds like an umbrella while serving such a greater purpose.
- Handle for carrying when folded which is perfect for days at a theme park or short trips to and from the store.
Why I LOVE the Max Ultimate Stroller:
The Max Ultimate Stroller is a stylish and travel-friendly stroller perfect for any mom, especially those who are constantly on the go. The weight max for the stroller is 45 pounds so kids are able to grow and develop for several years in the comfort of this stroller. The 5-point harness makes the Max Ultimate Stroller wonderful for little ones, while its reclining seat and adjustable foot rest makes it perfect for older children as well.
Not only is the Max Ultimate Stroller easy to maneuver, lightweight and affordable, it is pretty too! I know that style shouldn’t really matter when looking for a safe and comfortable stroller, but let’s be honest, as moms, we care about what we push around. The Max Ultimate Stroller is adorable and stylish for boys and girls.
Another reason to LOVE the Max Ultimate Stroller, it is even loved by dads! The soft grip handles are at a perfect height for just about anyone pushing the stroller. Unlike other light-weight strollers, the person pushing does not need to hunch over or walk like a duck in trying to avoid kicking the wheels. So mom, if you needed any reason to get this stroller, here it is: Men can push it too! My husband loved it, and even felt comfortable pushing it around!
So how is it beneficial for child development?
The Delta Children Max Ultimate Stroller has so many amazing qualities that kids will WANT to stay in them. This allows for more time spent exploring and discovering new places. As my child sat comfortably in his Max Ultimate Stroller, he was able to take in the sights and sounds of the Quincy Shore Beach, a destination he has never seen. It allowed him to point at new objects and have conversations about what he saw. He also sat comfortably as we walked around the Museum of Science in Boston, and most recently, the NJ State Fair.
When a child is not comfortable in their stroller or they are focusing on walking and keeping up with their parents, they are not able to completely absorb their environment. This decreases discovery thus not allowing for the greatest amount of educational growth. The soft and durable seat in the Max Ultimate Stroller provides a safe and secure environment for kids to enjoy while they are being walked around and exposed to new sights and sounds.
So what are you waiting for? Head out and pick up your Max Ultimate Stroller today!
You can find more details on Delta Children’s website. The Max Ultimate Stroller sells for $59.99 and can be purchased at your local retailer (i.e. Target).
Looking for a good lightweight travel stroller for my one year old daughter. How did you get the stroller for free?
I received the stroller in exchange for my honest review on my blog. I highly recommended the Delta Max. It’s great!
It is very sturdy. My stroller has limited storage space so this hook can be vital. Works great!
Thanks for your tips