How many of us have those days when we feel that we just can’t do it anymore? We all LOVE our kids to the moon and back, but that does not mean we don’t need time alone!
In order to be the best parents we can be, we have to make sure that we make time for ourselves, even if it’s just an hour or two. We are our kids role models, the ones they look up to each day for guidance and advice. If we are exhausted, cranky and unhealthy (mentally and physically), then what are we teaching our children?
Every parent needs time to recharge their parenting battery. We all need time to take care of ourselves so we can better take care of our family. Parents also need to be well-rounded individuals, meaning we cannot make parenting our ONLY purpose in life. When a parent does not have a hobby, job or friends to turn to or is too dependent on their family for their only source of happiness, then the parent-child relationship can be negatively impacted. No child wants a “helicopter” mom or a parent that is co-dependent. We also must teach our children the importance of being independent and well-rounded.
10 Ways to Recharge Your Parenting Battery
Read a Book
I am not much of a reader, but I will admit without shame that I loved the twilight series. It provided an escape from my everyday life.
Go to a Coffee Shop
There is nothing better than a yummy latte and some time alone. Bring along a good book or a good friend and take some time for yourself even if it’s just an hour.
Get a Hobby
Having a hobby can give parents not only a stress release but also another purpose. My friends who knit, quilt, scrapbook and dabble in photography find great peace and relaxation with their craft time.
We all know exercise is good for the soul and our health. But did you also know it releases endorphins which improves our mood?
Get a Mani/Pedi
Okay, I lied before; this is better than a good latte. Although I would love a professional massage weekly, I will settle for a good $25 mani/pedi once a month to rejuvenate myself.
Go Shopping
Who hasn’t heard of shopping therapy? It’s especially rewarding when you can find amazing deals and bargains.
Go on a Mini Vacation with the Hubs
I experienced this for the first time this summer. It was only one night but definitely worth it! Being away for even just the day helps parents remember that they are more than just parents. They are also wives and husbands with their own interests and needs. We need that time to reflect and recharge.
Have a Girls Night
Spending time with friends, especially other moms is a great way to recharge your parenting battery. It is also provides a support system and keeps you sane. Sharing mommy war stories makes every mom feel more “normal.”
Plant a Garden
Being a Sussex county resident where the deer are practically pets, this is not the hobby for me, but my friends who garden find it relaxing and very therapeutic. There are a lot of benefits to gardening. It also makes your house look pretty which can make any mom happy!
Write in a Journal or Start a Blog
Since I was young, I have found writing to be a wonderful release. I often recommend this to my students when they are experiencing a rough time. Starting a blog allows moms to help other moms which is very rewarding!
So I hope you take some time for yourself in the very near future. Remember, being the best moms we can be starts with being the best person we can be, and that starts with being healthy and happy!
ironically, this is JUST WHAT I NEEDED tonight! a little worn out of the whining today and need to get myself recharged so I can give our kids my fullest attention without frustration or anger. thank you!
Thank you so much Cindy! I completely empathize with you. I hope you are able to get out and recharge your battery:)