It has been one year since I lost the most influential woman in my life, the family matriarch, my amazing grandmother. For as long as I can remember, my grandmother, lovingly known as Nanny, was a part of my life. Along side my mother, my grandmother helped raise me to be the person I am today!
I am luckier than most girls. I had the honor and the privilege to spend every day of my childhood with my grandmother. Since the time I was born, she cared for me when my parents worked, and from the time I was 5 years old, she lived with my family. She was someone I truly looked up to and went to for advice.
Her bed was the one I snuck into late at night to snuggle and watch TV. She is the one who wanted to kick my classmate’s butt when she was mean to me (in kindergarten!). She is the person that spoiled me with delicious and authentic Italian cooking! She was my Nanny, my hero!
I learned so much from my grandmother but there are many things I did not learn. I did not learn to make my bed as she always did it for me. I did not learn to wash and fold my clothes as she would do it before I even had the chance to empty my hamper. I did not learn to stay inside during a storm as we loved to dance in the rain. I did not learn to stay quiet and timid as she encouraged me to be outgoing and adventurous.
There are many things I did learn from my grandmother that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Some things were funny and others were profound. Either way, a piece of her will live on through me every day!
What my grandmother taught me:
It’s never too early to get a perm! She got me my first at age 5!
Eat carbs! My grandmother loved bread and was proud to say it. Together we would down bread and pasta while fellow dieters ate salad.
Dance all the time! My grandmother was a wonderful tap dancer who taught me the importance of having fun and dancing your way through life.
Watch the soaps daily! They are a great escape from reality.
Embrace every moment! My grandmother’s favorite line was “lord willing.” None of us know how long we have on this earth so it is important to savor every moment!
It’s okay to curse, in fact, it often makes you feel better!
To always look for the good in people! My grandmother found a positive attribute in EVERYONE no matter who they were or what they may have done! She taught me that it is better to fill my heart with love instead of hate and anger (unless it’s a bad soap story line, then go ahead and hate away!)
How to be a strong independent woman! My grandmother lost her husband at a very young age and was forced to raise 3 children on her own. Her dedication to her family resulted in 3 amazing adults including my mom!
I truly admired my grandmother’s strength and tenacity. She inspired everyone in her presence to be a better person. There was no one like her and never will be again, but I hope I can pass along everything she has taught me so my kids can be strong and independent too!!
lovely, cousin. xoxoxo
Thank you so much Jeff! We all loved Nanny VERY much!
Jessica….that was so beautiful, I am still crying. You were so lucky to have the relationship you had with your Nanny. Your story was a wonderful testimony to the love you both shared. I am sure she is smiling and sending kisses your way right now.
Thank you so much Joyce! I was so lucky to have her in my life for so long. I miss her every day but I know she is watching over me and proud of everything I am accomplishing. She was my hero!