In full disclosure, we received the Handy Helper Workbench from Just Play in exchange for our honest review. This article also includes affiliate links.
“Meeska, Mooska, Micky Mouse!”
Do your kids love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse? How would they like to be a “Handy Helper?”
Just Play presents Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Handy Helper Workbench, an exciting interactive toy that offers hours of fun for children ages 3 and up. The Handy Helper workbench is the perfect addition to your child’s holiday or birthday with list. Kids can work together or individually to help Mickey with projects!
Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Handy Helper Workbench is a bright and colorful toy that comes with 30 pieces allowing for never ending fun for your kids. Pieces include:
- Workbench
- 2-in-1 Screwdriver
- Hammer
- Wrench
- 6 Nails
- 6 Screws
- Wood Piece (made of plastic)
- 2 Pegs to hold the tools to the bench
- Tray for holding the nails and screws
- Clamp
- Car Building Project
In addition to the fun pieces above, the workbench also has a pull down drill, permanent Mickey nails and a press down table saw. The Handy Helper Workbench also makes silly sounds and fun Mickey phrases as certain items are manipulated.

My boys were so excited and surprised when their Christmas Elves brought them this awesome workbench!
My boys were so excited when they saw the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Handy Helper Workbench under the Christmas tree. Their elves brought it for them as a way to start the holiday season. They could barely contain themselves while I opened the box. The play set was very easy to put together, and it only required 4 screws! (Now that’s my kind of assembly!) My boys had a blast pounding the hammer and screwing the wheels back on the car. They also really enjoyed making the workbench make all the fun sounds and phrases.
As you know, here at Mommy University, we choose toys that are not only fun but also offer educational and developmental value for kids. The Handy Helper Workbench does just that. There are a number of developmental benefits for kids when they interact with this toy.
5 Developmental and Educational Benefits
Improves Fine Motor Skills
The Handy Helper Workbench is perfect for enhancing fine motor strength and manipulation. Kids have to learn how to carefully hold the screws and nails in place while banging the hammer or twisting the screwdriver. They also increase their hand-eye coordination as they have to carefully place the screw driver in the screw or when they are putting the car together. All these fine motor skills are needed to develop writing skills!
Enhances Basic Academic Knowledge
While playing with the workbench, children are improving their color, shape and object recognition skills. While playing with your kids, ask them to tell you what color the car is and request that they point to the green gear.
Encourages Language Development
The Handy Helper Workbench can be played alone, but it is also a great toy to play with a sibling, friend or parent. As kids play, they engage in social language including turn taking conversations. You can also have them label the parts and colors which increases their expressive language and vocabulary.
Fosters Creativity and Imagination
As a child uses their creativity and imagination, they are also enhancing cognitive and academic skills. They can pretend to be an auto mechanic as they fix Mickey’s car or a carpenter creating a big project. As children create their own imaginary worlds, they are building the skills necessary for creative writing in school!
Increases Problem Solving Skills
While playing with the Handy Helper Workbench, kids have to use thinking and reasoning skills to figure out how to take apart and put together the car. They also have to decide which tools they need to use.

You can almost see the wheels turning in my son’s head as he figures out how to bang the nail into the wood piece!
As you can see, there are many reasons to LOVE the Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Handy Helper Workbench. It is the perfect first tool bench for kids. It’s bright and colorful tools are easy to manipulate and maneuver which is great for small hands. This toy is great for enhancing fine motor skills and encouraging pretend and imaginary play. Kids also increase their hand-eye coordination and visual-spatial skills all while having fun!
Another wonderful feature for this workbench is that it is a great addition to other Mickey Mouse Clubhouse tool sets. Just Play offers the Mickey Mouse Deluxe Tool Set and the Mickey Mouse Tool Box. Both are perfect for using with your Handy Helper Workbench!
This workbench sells for around $39.99 and can be purchased at local retailers and on For more information, you can also visit the Just Play website.
Got one of these for my son for Christmas, was wondering what you did with the wires in the back to keep them from reach?
Hi Josh…I was just going to tell you to pull the wires out. They are for the display so you can test out the sounds. Thanks for following Mommy University!! Have fun with the workbench!
Got it! Thanks anyways! For anyone else, just pull em out and stick the insert in the holes, throw green wires away.